“We are now operating across Newcastle and The Hunter Region” in NSW

“We are now operating across Newcastle and The Hunter Region” in NSW

But what is Choice and Control really!

For people getting support from NDIS, choice and control is commonly used when talking about providing support, services, and providers.

What does it actually mean?

  • The NDIS Act 2013 describes it as; https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2016C00934
  • enable people with disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports; You the person, should have the power to make decisions about the things affecting you and what happens in your life. You can make choices that are right for you, to enable you to achieve your goals and needs. Choice and Control is about how you arrange your care and support. It is designed to help you to receive services in a way that suits you and your family and offers you more control over the way your services are delivered. Otherwise known as self-directed support.
  • Your Life Your Choice Framework (https://www.qld.gov.au)

NDIS Choice and control are the key to empowering people with a disability to lead more independent lives. This can mean embracing the opportunity to make choices and take control of your support. To create a path that follows your individual goals and needs. Your voice matters!

But at times this can be difficult

Perhaps the person may have difficulty in communicating their wants and needs due to a cognitive/ physical/ neurological; a communication disability can be incredibly diverse. Communicating is a complicated thing that humans do, different areas of communication can be affected, so communication disability or difficulties can look vastly different from person to person. People may require support in any or all areas of communication:

When the wider community recognises and understands the experience of people with communication difficulties, it is easier to ensure communication access for everyone. https://communicationhub.com.au/Communication_Hub/Communication_Disability/Causes_of_communication_disability.aspx

Knowing the person, having aids such as Augmented and Alternative communication tools, gives the person opportunities to voice their opinions, needs and wishes. We may support the person to understand and communicate their needs by simplifying language such as using Easy English, Compic, Auslan. There are a lot of different types of AAC.

No-tech and low-tech options include things like

  • gestures and facial expressions,
  • writing,
  • drawing,
  • spelling words by pointing to letters, and
  • pointing to photos, pictures, or written words.

High-tech options include things like

This can be a process to go through, but to truly allow for a person to exercise choice and control of their life these steps are crucialWhere a person struggles with making choices, they may be referred to have an advocate appointed through the Office of the Public Advocate. https://www.publicadvocate.vic.gov.au/

Written by Elizabeth Schroeter
Team Leader
Support Coordination & Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
Ballarat & Western Victoria
Victorian Home and Community Care

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